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"What Titles Don't Tell" Musical Illustrations
Signatures Gallery
*Accessible on: Humanities Commons Philpapers Zenodo
Nine books, over fifty articles, and more than one hundred reviews in aesthetics, ethical theory, and other areas in scholarly journals, some translated into Arabic, Chinese, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Polish, Portuguese, Italian and Russian.
Berleant's work is accessible on the following repositories: Zenodo, Humanities Commons, Philpapers,, and
His manuscripts and digital files are archived in University Archives, SUNY at Buffalo. Access the University Archives collection of Berleant's work HERE.
Commemorative Volumes & Other Writings:
- Book forum on Arnold Berleant's The Social Aesthetics of Human Environments: Critical Themes in Revista di Estetica (forthcoming).
- "Philsopher and Musician Arnold Berleant," Signatures: an Online Gallery (Castine, ME: Witherle Memorial Library, Summer 2023). here.
- "Festschrift Liber Amicorum for Arnold Berleant." Popular Inquiry, Vol. 10. 2022.
- Contemporary Aesthetics, "Aesthetic Engagement and Sensibility: Reflections on Arnold Berleant's Work" Special Volume 9 (2021) edited by Bogna J. Gladden-Obidzinska. View this journal here.
- Valerina Grasso, "Aesthetic Experience - Berleant in the Era of Liquid Generation," Everydayness: Contemporary Aesthetic Approaches, edited by Lisa Giomini & Adrián Kvokačka (University of Prešov, Faculty of Arts, Prešov, November 2021).
- Espes Journal, "Aesthetics Between Art and Society: Perspectives of Arnold Berleant's Postkantian Aesthetics of Engagement," Vol. 6, No. 2, edited by Aleksandra Lukaszewicz Alcaraz (2017). View this journal here.
- Cheng Xiangzhan, "Aesthetic Engagement, Ecosophy C, and Ecological Appreciation," Vol. 11, 2013, Contemporary Aesthetics. View article: here.
- Sztuka i Filozofia, Vol. 37/2010. In Polish. Special issue devoted to the work of Arnold Berleant, with contributions by Polish, Chinese, and American scholars. In Polish. Ed. by Bogna J. Gladden-Obidzinska, 165 pages. View this journal here.
- Nicolaos Gkogkas, "Aesthetics and the Environment: Repatriating Humanity," Contemporary Aesthetics, Vol. 5 (2007). View article.
Books include:
Click on any of the titles for abstract and ordering information.
The Social Aesthetics of Human Environments: Critical Themes. (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023).
Perspectives on Contemporary Aesthetics. Co-edited with Yuriko Saito. (RISD Shortrun Publications, 2016).
Aesthetics beyond the Arts: New and Recent Essays (Ashgate, 2012).
Sensibility and Sense: The Aesthetic Transformation of the Human World (Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2010).
The Aesthetics of Human Environments. Co-edited with Allen Carlson. (Peterborough, Ont: Broadview, 2007) |
Aesthetics and Environment, Theme and Variations on Art and Culture, (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005)
Re-thinking Aesthetics, Rogue Essays on Aesthetics and the Arts(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004). Polish translation, 2007. |
The Aesthetics of Natural Environments, Co-edited with Allen Carlson (Peterborough, Ont: Broadview, 2004). |
Environment and the Arts; Perspectives on Art and Environment, Editor. (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002). |
The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 56/2 (1998). Special issue on environmental aesthetics. Guest co-editor (with Allen Carlson).
Living in the Landscape: Toward an Aesthetics of Environment (University Press of Kansas, 1997). |
The Aesthetics of Environment (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992).
Art and Engagement, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991). |
The Aesthetic Field: A Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience (Springfield, Ill.: C. C. Thomas, 1970). |
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Thematic Anthologies:
Selected Publications:
- “Saito's Social Aesthetics of Care," Book forum on Yuriko Saito, Aesthetics of Care: Practice in Everyday Life (London: Bloomsbury, 2022) contribs. Yuriko Saito, Arnold Berleant, David E. Cooper, Madalina Diaconu, Studi di estetica, No. 27 (2023): 278-280.DOI 10.7413/1825864656
- “Ageing: A Dialogue," Arnold Berleant, Michael Alpert & Valery Vino, Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics, 12 (1): 33-41 (2023). DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8108418
- “Aesthetic Engagement," Handbook for Aesthetics (Routledge, forthcoming).
- “Aesthetic engagement as a pathway to mental health and wellbeing," Eugene with Hughes, Oxford Handbook of Mental Health and Contemporary Western Aesthetics (Oxford University Press, 2023).
- “Duchampian Reflections on Descartes," Festschrift Liber Amicorum for Arnold Berleant. Popular Inquiry, Vol. 10. (2022): 6-10. here
- “Shadows on the Snow," or "Unlocking the Potential of Nature's Beauty," IAI News, 18 February 2022.
- Podcast on Ageing, with Michael Alpert:
listen here.
Listen via Spotify.
- “The Sublime Troubles of Postmodernism," Arts & Cultural Studies Review (Przeglad Kulturoznawczy), 4/2021.
- “Aesthetic Engagement in Video Dance," in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Dance and Philosophy, ed. R. Farinas and J. Van Camp (Bloomsbury, 2021). DOI: 10.17613/M6R20RW1W
- “Aesthetics and the Arts of Engagement," Roczniki Kulturoznawcze (Annals of Cultural Studies), 2021/1.
- “Whose Everyday? On the Cultural Aesthetics of Everyday Life," forthcoming in Everydayness: Contemporary Aesthetic Approaches ed. by Adrián Kvokacka and Lisa Giombini.
- “Aesthetic Engagement in Video Dance," Dance and Philosophy, edited by Rebecca Farinas & Julie van Camp (Bloomsbury, 2021).
- “A Philosophical Retrospective," Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Volume 9 (2021) Aesthetic Engagement and Sensibility: Reflections on Arnold Berleant's Work.
- “Reflections," Contemporary Aesthetics, Special Volume 9 (2021) Aesthetic Engagement and Sensibility: Reflections on Arnold Berleant's Work.
- “Reflections on the Aesthetics of Violence," guest editor Emmanouil Aretoulakis, Contemporary Aesthetics Special Volume 7 (2019).
- “Whose Everyday? On the Cultural Aesthetics of Everyday Life," panel on Saito, Aesthetics of the Familiar, ASA, Toronto, 11 October 2018. Read by Larry Shiner.
- “The Subversion of Beauty," Chinese translation by Zhao Yu, South China Academics (Univeristy of Macau, 2018).
- “Thoreau's Poetics of Nature," No Beauty, No Peace: Rethinking the Role of Beauty and Immediacy in Ecocritical Criticism, ed. Peter Quigley and Scott Slovik (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2018), pp. 41-50.
- “Further Ruminations on Music as an Exemplary Art," New Sound, International Journal of Music, Issue 50, (2017), 129-137.
- “Objects into Persons: The Way to Social Aesthetics,: in Aesthetics Between Art and Society: Perspectives of Arnold Berleant's Postkantian Aesthetics of Engagement, Espes Vol. 6, No. 2 (2017), 9-18.
- “Some Questions for Ecological Aesthetics," Environmental Philosophy, Spring 2016, 123-135; Chinese trans. by Li Suijie, Dong Yue Tribune, No. 4, 2016.
- “The Co-optation of Sensibility and the Subversion of Beauty," Filozofski vestnik XXXVI/1, 2015 (Ljubljana). Special issue on Everyday Aesthetics, in Slovenian. Also published (in English) in Pragmatism Today, Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015), 38-47.
- “Ideas for an Ecological Aesthetics,” in Xiangzhan Cheng, Arnold Berleant, Paul Gobster, Xinhao Wang, eds., Ecological Aesthetics and Ecological Assessment and Planning, (Henan People's Press, 2014), pp. 54-72.
- “Art, Terrorism, and the Negative Sublime,” in Arts and Terror ed. V. L. Marchenkov (Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2014), pp. 1-15. Reprinted in Artenol, Winter 2016, 24-31. Originally published in Arnold Berleant, Sensibility and Sense: The Aesthetic Transformation of the Human World (Exeter, UK: Imprint Academic, 2010), Ch. 10.
- “The Music in My Philosophy," ASA Newsletter, 2012.
- “Aesthetic Sensibility," Ambiances Journal, (30 March 2015).
- “What Is Aesthetic Engagement?" Contemporary Aesthetics, 12 (2013); Aesthetics in Action, International Yearbook of Aesthetics, ed. Krystyna Wilkowszewska, Vol. 2014, 17-19.
- “The Cultural Aesthetics of Environment,“ Environmental Aesthetics: Crossing Divides and Breaking Grounds, eds., Martin Drenthen and Jozef Keulartz (New York: Fordham University Press, 2014), pp. 61-72.
DOI:10.17613/M6XK84P9C Back to top
- “Transformations in Art and Aesthetics,“ Aesthetics of Everyday Life, East and West, ed. Liu Yuedi and Curtis L. Carter (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2014), pp. 2-13.
- “Interview on Aesthetics and Urbanism“ in Almantas Samalavicius, Nelaisvës formos (Forms of Captivity: Talks on Economics, Urbanism and Crisis) (Vilnius: Kulturos barai, 2014), pp. 162-168.
- “Aesthetics and the Unity of Experience," 2013, Unpublished.
- “Urbanistinius Pokyčius Padiktuos Neišvengiamybẹ,“ ("Urban Aesthetics, Ethics and Urban Environment") an Interview with Almantas Samalavičius. Kultūros Barai, 7/8 (2013), 17-20.
- “Die ästhetische Umweltpolitik“ (German translation of "The Aesthetics of Politics"), Polylog: Zeitschrift für Internkulturelles Philosophieren, 29 (2013), 5-20.
DOI:10.17613/7t9e-hw54 -In English.
- “Environmental Sensibility,“ Studia Phaenomenologica, XIV (2014), 17-23.
Origianlly published in Ambiances in Action: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ambiances. International Ambiances Network, 2012, pp.53-56.
- “Aesthetic Sensibility,“ Proceedings of international conference on “Aesthetics and Art: Tradition and Presence,” Xuzhou, China. In Chinese. Forthcoming.
- “Scenic Beauty in a Global Context,” International Association of Aesthetics Yearbook, 2011, Fall 2012.
- “Ruminations on Music as an Exemplary Art," New Sound 40/2 (2012), 201-8.
- “Changing Landscapes,” International Conference on Transition Landscapes/ Paysages en Transition, Lisbon, Portugal, in Portuguese. Forthcoming.
- “l'Art de Connaïtre un Paysage, Diogène n° 233-234, janvier 2011, 54-70. “The Art in Knowing a Landscape, Diogenes, Fall 2012.
- “The Aesthetic Politics of Environment," in Arnold Berleant, Aeshtetics Beyond the Arts, (Ashgate, 2012), pp. 181-194).
- “Nature and Habitation in a Chinese Garden," in Arnold Berleant, Aesthetics Beyond the Arts (Ashgate, 2012).
- “Cultural Aesthetics,” in Hwa Yol Jung, ed.,g, eds., Comparative Environmental Aesthetics, forthcoming.
- “Ideas for an Ecological Aesthetics,” in Xiangzhan Cheng, Arnold Berleant, Paul Gobster, Xinhao Wang, eds., Ecological Aesthetics and Ecological Planning, 2014.
- “Evolutionärer Naturalismus und das Ende des Dualsimus" ("Evolutionary Naturalism and the End of Dualism"), in Christian Tewes and Klaus Vieweg, eds., Natur und Geist: Über ihre evolutionäre Verhältnisbestimmung (Nature and Mind: the Meaning of their Evolutionary Relation), (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2011), pp. 21-31. Also in Arnold Berleant, Aesthetics Beyond the Arts (Ashgate, 2012) in English.
- “Negative Aesthetics in Everyday Life,” Aesthetic Pathways, Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 2011), pp.75-91.
- “The Cultural Aesthetics of Environment,” forthcoming in Annals for Aesthetics, Fiftieth Anniversary Issue. (Presented at the annual conference of the International Association of Environmental Philosophy, Montreal, 7 November 2010.)
- “Sensibility: The Growth of an Aesthetic," "What Titles Don't Tell," and "Engaging Dewey: The Legacy of Dewey's Aesthetics" in Sztuka y Filozofia, Vol. 37/2011. Special issue devoted to the work of Arnold Berleant, with contributions by Polish, Chinese, and American scholars. 165 pages. In Polish.
- “Reconsidering Scenic Values,” Environmental Values, 13: 3 (August 2010).
- “Art, Terrorism, and the Negative Sublime,” Contemporary Aesthetics, Volume 7 (2009).
- “What Music Isn't and How to Teach It,” Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education, Volume 8, Issue 1, (2009), 54-65,
- “Perceptual Politics," in Arnold Berleant, Sensibilty and Sense: The Aesthetic Transformation of the Human World (Exeter: Imprint Academic, 2010), pp. 274-306.
- “From Environmental Aesthetics to Urban Aesthetics,” interview with Cheng Xiangzhan, Academic Research (Guangdong Academy of Social Science), (in Chinese).
- “What Titles Don't Tell,” Congress Book I, XVIIth International Congress of Aesthetics, 2007 (Ankara, 2008), pp. 465-472.
- “Making Theory, Making Sense, Comments on Ronald Moore's Natural Beauty,” Sixty-sixth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Aesthetics, Northampton, MA, November 7, 2008, inEthics, Place and Environment.
- “From Environmental Aesthetics to Urban Aesthetics,” interview with Cheng Xiangzhan, Academic Research (Guangdong Academy of Social Science), (in Chinese).
- “Poetry in American Philosophy,” Encyclopedia of American Philosophy, forthcoming.
- Review of Noel G. Charlton, Understanding Gregory Bateson: Mind, Beauty, and the Sacred Earth, with Elizabeth Sikes, Environmental Values, May, 2009.
- “Judging Architecture,” Poreia: A Festscrift for Professor Dionysis A. Zivas (Athens: National Technical University, 2007), pp. 144-151.
- “Aesthetic Engagement and the Human Landscape,” presented at the international conference on Environment, Aesthetic Engagement, and the Public Sphere, Paris, 9 May 2007. Translated into Chinese and reprinted under the title, "Aesthetic Ecology and the Urban Environment" in Academic Monthly, Vol 3, 2008. This paper has been selected and re-printed by the center for copied papers and articles of Renmin University of China.
- “Response to Critics,” in symposium on Aesthetics and Environment: Variations on a Theme, in Ethics, Place and Environment, 10/2.
- “On Judging Scenic Beauty,” Aesthetic Culture ( Maahenki Co: 2007). pp.57-75.
- “A Rose By Any Other Name,” in Filozofski Vestnic Vol. XXVIII No. 2 (Ljublijana, Slovenia, 2007), pp.151-168.
- “The Soft Side of Stone," International Conference on the Aesthetics of Stone and Rock, Koli, Finland, 14 June 2007. Published in Finnis in Jalo kivi (Helsinki: Maahenki Oy, 2010) and in Enlishg in Environmental Philosophy, Vol. 4, Nos. 1 & 2 (Spring & Fall, 2007).
- “Aesthetics and Environments Reconsidered: Reply to Carlson,” in The British Journal of Aesthetics, Volume 47, Number 3. (Oxford University Press: July 2007), 315-318.
- “Re-thinking Aesthetics,” trans. Xiao Shuangrong, Journal of Hunan Institute of Humanities, Science and Technology, 2006.
- “Beauty and the Way of Modern Life,” in Beauty and Modern Life (Wuhan, China: Wuhan University Press, 2005). Re-printed in Arnold Berleant, Aesthetics beyond the Arts (Ashgate, 2012), pp. 205-212.
- “Ideas for a Social Aesthetic,” in The Aesthetics of Everyday Life, Andrew Light and Jonathan M. Smith (eds.), (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005).
- Preface to the Greek translation of The Aesthetics of Environment (Athens: Michelis Institute, 2004).
- “The Idea of a Cultural Aesthetic,” Dialogue and Universalism XIII, 11-12 (2003), 113-122.
- Arnold Berleant and Ronald Hepburn, “An Exchange on Disinterestedness,” Contemporary Aesthetics, I (2003).
- “The Aesthetic in Place,” in Constructing Place, ed. Sarah Menin (New York: Routledge, 2003), Ch.1, pp.41-54.
- "Is There Life in Virtual Space," in The Virtual Environment, ed. Pauline von Bonsdorff and Arto Haapala (Lahti, Finland: International Institute of Applied Aesthetics, forthcoming).
- “Forestry Aesthetics: Forest Management as Hidden Landscape Architecture” in Finnish ("Metsänhoidon estetiikka: metsän käsittely maisemaarkkitehtuurina," in Yrjö Sepänmaa, ed., Metsän mieleni”(Addicted to Forest). (Maahenki, Finland, 2003).
- “Aesthetic Embodiement," paper given at the meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Boston, MA December 2003. Unpublished.
- “Maailma vedestä käsin” ("The World from the Water"), in Vesi vetää puoleensa (Helsinki: Maahenki Oy, 2002), pp.228-237, 276-277.
- “Embodied Music,” in Environment and the Arts; Perspectives on Art and Environment, ed. A. Berleant (Ashgate, 2002), pp. 143-155. Also in TKS, Tidskrift för kulturstudier, (Journal of Cultural Studies), 5 (2002), 7-22.
- “Notes for a Cultural Aesthetic,” Koht ja Paik / Place and Location, ed. Virve Sarapik, Kadri Tüür, and Mari Laanemets (Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2002), pp. 19-26.
- "Musical Embodiment," Tidskrift för kulturstudier (Journal of Cultural Studies) 5, Summer 2001, 7-22. Reprinted as Ch. 11 “Embodied Music,” in Arnold Berleant, Aesthetics and Environment (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002), pp. 143-155.
- "Ideas for a Social Aesthetic," in The Aesthetics of Everyday Life, Andrew Light and Jonathan M. Smith (eds.), (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005), pp. 23-38.
- “Re-thinking Aesthetics,” in Filozofski vestnik, XX (2/1999 - XIV ICA), Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Aesthetics (Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 25-33.
- "Two Paths through the Landscape," in Art and Landscape, Vol. 1, ed. George L. Anagnostopoulos (Athens: Panayotis and Effie Michelis Foundation, 2001), pp. 35-43.
- "Notes pour une phénomenologie de l'exécution musicale," Revue d'esthétique 36, 1999, 143-150.
- "Notes for a Phenomenology of Musical Performance," Philosophy of Music Education Review, 7, no. 2 (Fall 1999), pp.73-79.
- "Affirming Morality," Letter to the Editor, Castine Patriot, May 20, 1999.
- "Beauty and the Body," editorial, IIAA Newsletter, No. 3 (Spring 1999).
- "A Paddle on the Bantam River," Wooden Canoe, Issue 92, Vol. 22, No. 2 (April 1999), 8-10.
- "Why We Need an Anti-discrimination Ordinance," Guest Column, Castine Patriot, Vol. 20, No. 13, April 1, 1999, p. 4.
- "Is There Life in Virtual Space," in A. Berleant, Re-thinking Aesthetics (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005).
- "On Getting Along Beautifully: Ideas for a Social Aesthetics," in Aesthetics in the Human Environment, ed. Pauline von Bonsdorff and Arto Haapala (Lahti, Finland: International Institute of Applied Aesthetics, 1999), pp. 12-29.
- "Mothering and Metaphor," Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 57/1 (Winter 1999), 363-5.
- "The Wilderness City: An Essay in Metaphorical Experience," in The City as Cultural Metaphor: Studies in Urban Aesthetics, edited by Arto Haapala (Lahti, Finland: International Institute of Applied Aesthetics, 1998), pp. 16-25. Reprinted in Koht ja Paik/Place and Location, 8, ed. Kaia Lehari and Vive Sarapik (Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2000), pp.28-36.
- "Introduction," Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 56/2 (1998), special issue on environmental aesthetics, co-authored with Allen Carlson.
- "The Origins of the IAA," IAA Newsletter No. 14 (Spring 1998), 1-2.
- "Some Observations on American Music Today, New Sound, International Magazine for Music, No. 12 (1998), 23-26.
- "Sanart III - Art and Environment," IAA Newsletter, No. 14 (Spring 1998), 5.
- "Environmental Aesthetics," in Art and Environment, Proceedings of Sanart III Symposium, Ankara, forthcoming.
- "Environmental Aesthetics," for The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. M. Kelly ( Oxford University Press, 1998)
- "Leaving Relativism," in Relativism and Beyond, ed. Y. Ariel, S. Biderman, and O. Rotem (Leiden: Brill, 1998), pp. 67-87.
- “Environment and the Body,” in Place and Embodiment, ed. P.T. Karjalainen & P.von Bonsdorff (Lahti: University of Helsinki, 1997), pp. 69-78.
- “The Human Touch and the Beauty of Nature," Arnold Berleant, Living in the Landscape: Toward an Aesthetics of Environment (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1997), pp. 59-84.
- "Aesthetics in Practice and the Practice of Aesthetics," International Yearbook of Aesthetics, I (1996), 80-86.
- "Ananda K. Coomaraswamy," biographical article for American National Biography, forthcoming.
- Articles on "the aesthetic field," "engagement," and "environmental aesthetics" for Encyclopedia of Non-Classical Aesthetics (Moscow, forthcoming). In Russian.
- "Environmental Aesthetics," in The Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed. M. Kelly (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), Vol. 2, pp. 114-120.
- "Naturalism and Aesthetic Experience," The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 9/3 (1995), 237-240.
- “Aesthetics and Environment” (in Korean), The Korean Journal of Aesthetics, 20 (November 1995), 415-435.
- "Mitä on ympäristöestetiikka?," ("What Is Environmental Aesthetics?") in Ympäristö Arkkitehtuuri Estetiikka (Environment Architecture Aesthetics ) in Finnish, ed. by Arto Haapala, Martti Honkanen, and Veikko Rantala (Helsinki: Yliopistopaino, 1995), pp. 66-85.
- "Spoƚeczne wartościowanie sztuki" ("The Social Evaluation of Art," in Polish. In Problematyka
warto∇ciowania w Ameryka?skiej filozofii i estetyce xx wieku (The Question of Valuation in American Twentieth Century Philosophy and Aesthetics), edited Andrzeja Ceynowy, Bohdana Dziemidoka, Marka Janiaka (Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gda?skiego, 1995), pp. 58-67.
- "The Critical Aesthetics of Disney World," Journal of Applied Philosophy, 11/2 (1994), 171-180. Reprinted in Margaret J. King, editor, The Cutlures of Celebrations.
- "Architecture and the Aesthetics of Continuity," in Philosophy and Architecture, ed. M. Mitias (Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 1994), pp.21-30.
- "Ympäristökritiikki," in Alligaattorin Hymy, Ympäristöestetiikan Uusi Aalto (Jyväskylä: Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy, 1994), pp. 152-169. Finnish translation of "Environmental Criticism," from The Aesthetics of Environment.
- "Musical Generation," from The Aesthetics of Environment, reprinted in New Sound (Belgrade), No. 4-5 (1994/5), 27-42.
- "Environmental Creativity," The Structurist 33/34 (1993-94) (Special Issue on "The Ecology of Creativity").
- "Aesthetics and Community," Journal of Value Inquiry 28, 257-272 (1994), special issue on aesthetics.
- "Deconstructing Disney World," translated into Chinese by Niu Hong Bao and published in Wen She Zhe (Literature, History, and Philosophy, a journal in P.R. China), 1994/2, 92-103.
- "The Persistence of Dogma in Aesthetics," The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 52/2 (Spring 1994).
- "Beyond Disinterestedness." The British Journal of Aesthetics, 34/3 (July 1994). Published in a Chinese translation. Summarized in Japanese in Bigaku, No. 178 (Vol. 45/2), 1994, p.70. Published in a Russian translation in Polygnosis, No. 2 (1999), 49-59.
- "Beyond Dewey: The Aesthetics of Engagement," in Philosophical Translations Series, No. 2 (1993) (in Chinese), 49-52.
- "Beyond Disinterestedness: Prolegomenon to a Postmodern Aesthetics," in Primum Philosophari, a Festschrift for Stefan Morawski, ed. Jolanta Brach-Czaina (Warsaw: Oficyna Naukowa, 1993), pp. 199-213.
- "Prolegomenon to a Postmodern Aesthetics," in La modernidad como estética, Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Aesthetics (Madrid: Instituto de Estética, 1993), pp. 130-134.
- "Human Being and Natural World," in Ethics and the Environment, ed. Richard E. Hart (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1992), pp. 25-28.
- "On the Aesthetics of Art and Nature," in Landscape, Natural Beauty, and the Arts, edited by Salim Kemal and Ivan Gaskell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992).
- "Toward an Aesthetics of Environmental Design," Person-Environment Theory Series, University of California, Berkeley, 1991.
- "The Museum of Art as a Participatory Environment," Curator, 33/1 (March 1990), 31-39.
- "The Eighteenth Century Assumptions of Analytic Aesthetics," in V. Tejera and T. Lavine, eds., History and Anti-History in Philosophy (Kulwer, 1989), pp.256-274.
- "The Unsettling Art of Carol Crawford," catalog essay in Carol Crawford: City Visions, Queens Community College Gallery, 1988.
- "Aesthetic Perception in Environmental Design," in Environmental Aesthetics: Theory, Research, and Applications, edited by Jack Nasar (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988), pp. 84-97.
- "The Environment as an Aesthetic Paradigm," Dialectics and Humanism, XV, 1-2/1988, 95-106.
- "Space by Design: Aesthetic and Moral Issues in Planning Space Communities," with Sarah Fowler, The Monist, 70/1 (October 1987), 72-87.
- "Does Art Have a Spectator?", The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XLV/4 (Summer 1987), 411 412.
- "Musical De Composition," in What Is Music?, ed. P. Alperson (New York: Haven, 1987).
- "Cultivating an Urban Aesthetic," Diogenes, 136 (October December 1986), 1 18.
- "A la recherche d'une esthetique urbaine." French translation of above. Chinese translation in Diogene, Anthologieen chinois, Vol. 2, 1987 (No.6). Retranslated into Chinese and serialized in Scenic Spots and Historical Sites (Hangzhou, forthcoming).
- "Art and Space Age Communities," in Art and Technology, ed. Rene Berger and Lloyd Eby (New York: Paragon House, 1986), pp. 383 389.
- "Experience and Theory in Aesthetics," in Possibility of the Aesthetic Experience, ed. Michael Mitias (Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 1986), pp. 91 106.
- "The Historicity of Aesthetics I," The British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol.26, No.2 (Spring 1986), 101 111.
- "The Historicity of Aesthetics II," The British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol.26, No.3 (Summer 1986), 195 203.
- "W Strone Nowego Paradygmatu w Estetyce," Polish translation of summary of "The Historicity of Aesthetics," Stydia Estetyczne, XXIII (1990), 73-77.
- "Art without Object," in Creation and Interpretation, ed. Stern, Rodman, and Cobitz (New York: Haven, 1985), pp.63 72.
- "Toward a Phenomenological Aesthetics of Environment," in Descriptions, ed. H. Silverman and D. Idhe (State University of New York Press, 1985), pp.112 128.
- "Aesthetic Participation and the Urban Environment," in Urban Resources, Vol. 1, No. 4 (Summer 1984), 37 42.
- "Environmental Reciprocity: A Study in Aesthetics and Environmental Experience," EDRA 15, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, 5 pp.
- "Toward a New Paradigm in Aesthetics," Proceedings of the Xth International Congress in Aesthetics, Montreal, 1984. Also in The Eidos of Art, Proceedings of an international conference in aesthetics at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland, 23 29 August 1985.
- "Multinationals, Local Practice, and the Problem of Ethical Consistency," in Ethics and Management, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Value Inquiry, (Brockport, N.Y. 198l). Reprinted in the Journal of Business Ethics, l (1982), l85 193 and in The Ethical Factor in Business Decisions.
- "The Expansion of Art and the Integration of Culture," Proceedings of the IX International Congress of Aesthetics, Beograd, 1980, Vol. l, pp. 77 80. Reprinted in Stvaralastvo I, Ljudski Svet--Physis--Techne--Poiesi, ed. Milan Damnjanovic (Beograd, 1983), pp. 221 223.
- "The Viewer in the Landscape," EDRA 13, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (Washington, D.C., 1982), pp.161 165.
- "Art, Intuition, and Reality," Proceedings of VIII International Congress of Aesthetics.
- "Subsidization of Art as Social Policy," Journal of Behavioral Economics, VIII, l (Summer, 1979), 23 37. Reprinted in the Journal of Cultural Economics, Dec. 1980.
"The Visual Arts and the Art of the Unseen," Leonardo, XII (Summer 1979), 23l 235.
"Aesthetic Paradigms for an Urban Ecology," Diogenes, l03 (Fall 1978), l 28.
- "Exigences esthétiques d'une écologie urbaine," French translation of above. Juilllet Septembre 1978, III XXVII. Published also in Arabic edition. Reprinted in Chinese translation in Diogene, Anthologieen chinois, Vol. 2, 1987 (No.6).
- Values in Business Management Criteria for Decision Making, editor and author of Introduction, C. W. Post Center, Long Island University, 1979, l6 pp.
- "Artists and Morality: Toward an Ethics of Art," Leonardo, the Journal of the Contemporary Artist, l0 (Summer 1977), 195 202.
- "Ethics and Science: Some Normative Facts and a Conclusion," Journal of Value Inquiry, XI, (1977), Winter 1977, 244 258.
"The Aesthetics of the Human Environment," Proceedings of VII International Congress of Aesthetics (Bucharest, Romania: II, Editura Academiei Republic Socialiste Romanie, 1977), pp.345 348.
- "Death in Image, Word and Idea," Ventures in Research, ed. D. Frank, Long Island University, Fall 1973, pp. 66 91. Reprinted in Philosophical Aspects of Thanatology, Vol. l, ed. Hetzler & Kutscher, 1977.
- "Art and Intuition, or Pygmalion Rediscovered," in Value and the Arts, ed. E. Laszlo & James B. Wilbur (Geneseo: State University College of Arts & Sciences, 1976) pp. 5 20.
- "Aesthetic Function," in Phenomenology and Natural Existence, ed. D. Riepe (State University of New York Press, 1973), pp. l83 193.
- "The Verbal Presence: An Aesthetics of Literary Performance," The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XXXI, 3 (Spring 1973), 339 346.
- "Environmental Aesthetics," Cakes and Ale, IV, 8 (January l3, 1972), 3.
- "Education as Aesthetic Process," The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 5/3 (July 197l), l39 l47.
- "Repressive Tolerance and Pure Toleration," Confrontation, No. 3 (Winter/Spring 1970), 70 74.
- "Aesthetics and the Contemporary Arts," The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XXIX, 2 (Winter 1970), l55 l68. Reprinted in The Philosophy of the Visual Arts, ed. Philip Alperson (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), and in part in Esthetics Contemporary, ed. Richard Kostelanetz, 1978.
- "The Social Postulate of Theoretical Ethics," Journal of Value Inquiry, IV, l (January 1970), l l6.
- "Surrogate Theories of Art," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXX, 2 (December 1969), l63 l83.
- "Music as Sound and Idea," Current Musicology, No. 6/1968, pp. 95 l00.
- "The Experience and Criticism of Art," Sarah Lawrence Journal, (Winter, 1967), 55 64.
- "The Experience and Judgment of Values," The Journal of Value Inquiry, I, l (Spring 1967), 24 37. Reprinted in Value Theory in Philosophy and Social Science, ed. Laszlo and Wilbur (New York: Gordon & Breach, 1973).
- "On the Circularity of the Cogito," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXVI, 3 (March, 1966), 43l 3.
- "A Note on the Problem of Defining Art," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, XXV, 2 (December 1964), 239 24l. Reprinted in Problems in Criticism of the Arts, (San Francisco: Chandler, 1968), ed. H. G. Duffield, pp. 240 242.
- "The Sensuous and the Sensual in Aesthetics," The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XXIII, 2 (Winter 1964), l85 192. Reprinted in Philosophical Essays on Curriculum (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1969), ed. R. S. Guttchen and B. Bandman, pp. 306 3l7.
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